Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Welcome to Eating Clean with Smiley !!

I am a woman, mother and very busy photographer.

I have been for the past year changing the way my family eats. After much research, I have come to realize that the way we were taught by our parents and the habits we have gotten into , are not always the right choices for our bodies.

Commercials, signs and the food in stores and restaurants have become more appealing and with much of the false advertising around us constantly , it is no wonder our kids have trouble with behavior at home and in schools. And it is no wonder people struggle with weight, being tired all the time and many of the health issues we see happening all over the place.

Simple food changes can make our bodies healthier and stronger to ward off any diseases that people are too quick to blame on heredity and " oh that is just the way it is".

Throughout my blog , I will be posting recipes for healthy choices in meals along with tips and research I have found along the way.

Hope you enjoy this blog and I would love to hear from you by commenting under the different blog posts !!!

Healthy eating everyone !! :)

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